Many members of Grace Church give of their time and talent through volunteering for our very special teams, groups, organizations, committees and much more.  Please find a partial listing of the many various efforts that our church and parishioners are involved.

ALTAR GUILD: The Altar Guild is the liturgical partner of the Priest. The Team prepares all things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist or any of the other sacraments and offices of the church.

GRACE CHOIR: Visit the Choir webpage.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: Meeting the second and fourth Mondays of the month (3:00pm – 5:00pm) at the church, the participants knit shawls for many causes including the VA Hospital, Mentor Dialysis, Copeland Oaks and the Lake Hospital system. Sweaters are also shared with Hannah House in Mentor.

OUTREACH/EVANGELISM COMMITTEE: Visit the Outreach/Evangelism webpage here.

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEAM: Sunday school runs from September thru May, meeting the first three Sundays of each month. Christian education, fun and activities are provided for the children. The fourth Sunday is a family service so children can attend the main service with their parents. For additional information, visit their webpage here.

LONG RANGE PLANNING TEAM: The Long Range Planning Team was established in 2017 by-then Sr. Warden, David Zimmerman to identify present infrastructure and long-term needs for the church. A ten-year capital plan was provided by David Webster. The team meets as required to keep abreast of the present and future physical plant needs of the church.

FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Finance Committee, led by Elizabeth Estep; Treasurer, is tasked with reviewing current and future financial needs of the church. They recommend an annual budget, provide oversite on investments and analyze the capital needs of the church.

WEDNESDAY MORNING STUDY GROUP: In 2019, this group will be celebrating twenty-years of studying and discussing God’s word. Discussions are general in nature, as such; anyone can join in for an enlightening time. Sue Mancino heads up the group which meets from 9:00am until 11:00am, leading into the 11:00 am Eucharist.

WORSHIP COMMITTEE: The Worship Committee supports our pastor to provide a meaningful worship experience at Grace Church. During 2018, this important committee planned for and provided 110 Sunday Eucharists as well as 55 weekday Eucharists, Epiphany celebration, worship in outside spaces and Daily Offices. All are invited to attend, participate and contribute.

GRACE CHURCH FOUNDATION: The Foundation was created in 1982 to administer and disburse funds to support activities at the parish for outreach within the local community and in support of charitable programs brought to their attention by parishioners. The Foundation meets quarterly in January, April, July and October. If you, as a member, have a charity or project you have interest, and wish for the Foundation to review; please put together a package with specific details thereof and submit to a Foundation member. You may see Toni Swisher or other members. Ex-Officio members are the Treasurer and the Rector. 

PASTORAL CARE: The Pastoral Care Committee’s purpose is to assist members of the parish in their time need. Recently we have supplied meals to those who have just returned home from the hospital. The family is contacted to see when they would like a meal and if they have any dietary restrictions. Since there are only a few members of the parish able to prepare meals for others, we have been buying the meals from Kuhar’s catering and carry out out. The families have enjoyed the meals and appreciate our caring. 
The committee also have provided the funeral meal for two of the parish families. We work with the family to see if they are suppling and special items and what they would like us to supply. Again the service is greatly appreciated.
We are willing to help parishioners in other ways but we need to know the needs. Please contact the office or Pat Newyear 440-946-8381 or to let us know what is needed and we will do our very  best to meet those need.
Be the change you want to see in the world!! —-Ghandi